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Collaboration to a Cure
Did you know...
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of disability and death in children and adolescents in the U.S., Brain Injury Association of America, 2017.
How you can help...
Concussions among young athletes represent one of the most pressing public health issues of our time.
The Center for Concussion Prevention Research will be the Nation’s first CLEARINGHOUSE dedicated to establishing what works in concussion safety and prevention. The Online Center will serve as a leading National voice for raising awareness, implementation of effective programs and policies to reduce and prevent concussions among young athletes.
Even though a growing body of neuroscience research conducted at universities and medical institutions has slowly progressed in unlocking the myriad mysteries of the brain’s functions and the effects of concussive and sub-concussive impacts, we are at the beginning of learning how to CURE Brain Injury!
Your donation will fund...
The Center for Concussion Prevention Research, which will have three primary components:
• Primary concussion prevention
• Secondary concussion mitigation (reducing recovery time and improving outcomes)
• Concussion measurement and detection technologies
The standards established by the Center will serve as the National benchmark for quality in concussion safety and prevention research.
As with these initiatives, the new Center’s Clearinghouse website will serve as a hub for trusted, accessible, evidence-based information for parents, coaches, athletes, educators, researchers, and officials entrusted with the safety of youth.

Mathematica Collaboration
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